Gama Bomb, Cauldron and more at The Old Blue Last (2009)
The Old Blue Last (London, UK)
Gama Bomb, Cauldron, Mutant
February 18, 2009

Irish boys GAMA BOMB played a warm up show before the big European tour with OVERKILL / EXODUS / TORTURE SQUAD at the Old Blue last, a small (but awesome) pub in London. After a lengthy tube ride around London and then a long walk in the wrong direction and then a long walk back in the right direction to find the dam place (so far away from the tube station) the night had finally begun!
The wonderful MUTANT opened up the night and produced a performance that threatened GAMA BOMB. They played a blinding set that included some now older material from the first EP as well as some live classics (that are finally being recorded and released later this month on the Laserdrome EP), which went down really well with the crowd. Everyone was drinking, singing and most importantly wrecking their necks like their lives depended on it. Some set highlights include the brilliant The Rancher and Psycho Surgery, both of which gave plenty of opportunity for long time fans to sing along and new fans to see what they are getting into. With MUTANT giving live shows like this, it really is something you need to witness; the sound was brilliant and in anticipation for the tour with EVILE in April and the new EP coming very soon, the guys are firing on all cylinders... go buy your ticket for the EVILE UK tour now!
CAULDRON came all the way from Canada just to play this show and to hang around in the UK for a bit and I did feel sorry for them for two reasons: firstly they just followed the brilliant MUTANT and secondly they are a Heavy Metal band playing on a Thrash Metal night in front of Thrash Metal fans. Their brand of classic Metal went down well with the crowd that decided to stick around to listen to it and it was nice to see the lads enjoying themselves in the UK. They would be better suited playing with bands of similar genres but plenty of fist pumping and JUDAS PRIEST inspired stage presence was on show and I think playing to the right sort of crowd they could have a future here in the UK; but that night sadly wasn't their night.
The small place filled to the brim when GAMA BOMB took to the stage. Arguably the leaders of the new wave of Thrash Metal, when these guys took to the stage all hell really did break loose. Everyone was singing, the pit was insane and everyone had a good time. I had high expectations for GAMA BOMB as I had previously missed them a few times due to poor planning when they had come near my hometown but I was blown away by the performance they gave. They got the crowd pumped up, they had everyone singing and they played without a flaw. The GAMA guys included a new song in the set, which sounded bad-ass, and surprises like Global Warming, which was awesome to hear live. And then of course the classics like Hammer Slammer and Zombie Blood Nightmare. The thing about GAMA BOMB is that these guys really enjoy what they do and they do it well. Whatever you hear about the new wave of thrash being just a parody of the 80's is bullshit. GAMA BOMB are the real deal.
They played a great show that was both neck snappingly brilliant and entertaining. You can tell these guys love being up on the stage, having a beer with everyone in the crowd and generally partying until they can party no more. With a new album on the horizon and the track they played live sounding killer this is definitely a band you want to keep your eyes (and ears) on!!
(photos by Josh)
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