Flotsam And Jetsam, Released Anger and more at Sin City (2010)

Sin City (Athens, Greece)

Flotsam And Jetsam, Released Anger, Bloodstained, Mortal Threat
You think FLOTSAM AND JETSAM has been praised enough all these years? Apart from ex-member […]
By Grigoris Chronis
April 12, 2010

You think FLOTSAM AND JETSAM has been praised enough all these years? Apart from ex-member Jason Newsted's later iconic status in the METALLICA multi-seller machine I don't think metalheads below their 35s should feel comfortable pronouncing this weird moniker. Thankfully, enough young faces were present at the American Thrash/Heavy Metal sadly overlooked band's debut appearance in the capital of Greece. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM are – like enough of their compatriots – mainly known to the Metal masses due to their precious duo of first albums, the spiteful "Doomsday For The Deceiver" (1986) and the artistic "No Place For Disgrace" (1988), while their "When The Storm Comes Down"/"Quatro" transition or more recent releases have possibly not been hailed with much enthusiasm by American traditional Thrash Metal enthusiasts.

The youths from MORTAL THREAT hit the stage in an average but not disappointing sound. The quarter sees on guitar nailing down intriguing and assaulting riffs owing a lot to the (mainly) American Thrash Metal standards with some Crossover/HC profile (DARK ANGEL meets mild CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER?) bursting out here and there. Pounding hard they presented a 30-minute set showcasing their dynamics while informing us about the recording process of their first full length. To top things off the Greek band threw two covers; one from CRO MAGS and one from VIO-LENCE.

BLOODSTAINED was next on the bill. The Athenians – as far as I can remember, at least – had not given any shows the last years. I remember my last time watching them on stage when they had opened for shock Metal icons W.A.S.P. half a decade ago. I recall their blend as a mixture of interesting Heavy and Power Metal and acknowledge the band's "Greetings From Hell" CD as a special release for the Greek Metal values. Well, BLOODSTAINED has now developed(?) their songwriting to a more…hmmm…modern and different style, with Prog parts exchanged by some Thrash-y pounding and enough cutthroat new-SLAYER-like riffs backed by some interesting yet somehow dubious drumming. I was happy to see BLOODSTAINED carrying on with the same magnificent singer they had years ago, with his shouting voice remaining in high standards (now flirting a lot with aggressive throat singing, too). They proved to be a weird (musically speaking) addition to the lineup but they fully showed they still have a quality in their shaping as a band. Two covers – on SODOM's "The Saw Is The Law" (this was a unique cover by the fact and only that nobody realized it prior to the 'trademark' refrain…) and KREATOR's "Phobia" were included, not to forget.

With the Sin City club getting more and more filled with nasty young thrashers and – smaller in number – traditional older metalheds, RELEASED ANGER were already setting the venue on fire with their uncompromising retro Thrash Metal based on traditional European (KREATOR, SODOM, DESTRUCTION, EXHUMER) and American (TESTAMENT, WHIPLASH) principals. Their sound was, sadly, less than even accepted but that did not prevent these maniacs from presenting their notable work full speed. Recently having released the "Virus" 7" single, RELEASED ANGER wrapped up their set with VENOM's "Black Metal" classic and the only objection I have is that they should try to focus – at any conditions – a lot more to their equipment and stage sound in order to fully deploy their malignant willpower.

While waiting for the main act to step in, I was surprised to see many young faces and only a few older thrashers/metallers present at the club. The lack of promotion in such events can be a factor of failure but truth is the promoters here were on time and quite confident for some integrated promotion, with a ticket that was fair enough. To cut as long story short, I believe the crowd waiting to be pleased by FLOTSAM AND JETSAM's birth appearance in Greece could have been bigger – leading to a bigger and better venue as a result – but keeping enough external aspects to mind I believe 200+ people clapping hard as soon as the lights went dim is a fitting number (the merchandise booth could not hold more anyway, haha).

Eric "A.K." Knutson (vocals) and Michael Gilbert (guitars) are the only two original members in FLOTSAM AND JETSAM and – as expected – were greeted with enough enthusiasm by the sweating crowd to the view of the gear being set. One question was amount of songs the band would perform from their older stuff while the second one focused on the present status of Erik's phenomenal voice. Good thing is both answers were satisfactory! The setlist was a 'best of' one and that seemed fair to the fans since this was the band's first visit to Greece. With some cuts from later albums scattered in the catalogue (very good albums/songs indeed that sadly failed to brig on some acceptance in their original release) the classics were the big slice of the pie: "Hammerhead", "Iron Tears", "Doomsday For The Deceiver", "Escape From Within", "N.E. Terror", "No Place For Disgrace", "I Live You Die", "Hard On You" created a hellish atmosphere, hence the overloaded stage diving (sometimes it was too vulgar you imagined some were there only for jumping off here and there) and the hot applause after the band's recital.

The FLOTSmen were quite intriguing in their appearance. Solis as a rock and with an air of experience no matter the venue, the quintet delivered lessons of artful yet feisty Thrash/Speed/Heavy Metal and – on top if it – Erik A.K. proved he still has the guts to take the band's numbers to a higher level. Bearing in mind the suffocating atmosphere in the club it was a wonder he did deliver such an impressive singing, to say the least. In his mid-range theatrical moments he was striking, too. The rest of the musicians showed their class too and good thing is the stage sound did gradually evolve into something acceptable after a vague beginning.

Waiting for less people than the number finally showing in, this event can be judged as successful (apart from the 'venue' factor, of course). Three Greek bands preceded the FLOTSAM AND JETSAM headline show, the sound was not bad in average, the schedule was kept as strict and tight as possible and one of Arizona's finest Metal exports all these years confirmed they still have the level and quality needed to shoot from the hip. Some new album we should wait for, by the way?


  1. "The Master Sleeps
  2. "N.E. Terror"
  3. "Me"
  4. "Hammerhead"
  5. "Never To Reveal"
  6. "Natural Enemies"
  7. "Iron Tears"
  8. "Hard On You"
  9. "Escape From Within"
  10. "Swatting At Flies"
  11. "I Live You Die"
  12. "Smoked Out"
  13. "Doomsday For The Deceiver"
  14. "No Place For Disgrace"
  15. "Forkboy"

(photos by Flotzilla)





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