Borknagar at Teatro Odisséia (2017)
Teatro Odisséia (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

If one word can describe what the public saw and heard in that night is "perfection."
Yes, because the sextet is a perfect band on the stage (even in a small one as this from Teatro Odisséia). The attitude, the communication, and the technique are still the ones you can hear on the album, but with that catchy energy from an excellent live show.
When the band got on the stage, the public on the venue started to hail them, and the show began with the excellent and charming "The Rhymes of the Mountain" (to hear this amazing song with the fine contrasts between the voices of Lars, Vortex and Athera was something epic), followed by "Epochalypse" and the old hymn "Oceans Rise". But the more the band gave, the more the public wanted from them, so "Ad Noctum" (a great moment of Øystein on guitars) and "Universal" came to satisfy their hunger for BORKNAGAR's song. During "Universal", Athera took the guitars and left the vocals to Vortex, and in some moments, even Jéns sang some parts, a true and great experience. In some moments, showing himself a great gentleman, Athera spoke gently about Vintersorg, asking the public to applaud the absent vocalist. They went back to the past and played "Dauden" from their first album, and closed the show with "The Dawn of the End".
No, they came back, and unleashed another one of their greatest classics, "Colossus", that made the audience sing with them, and closed the show with "Winter Thrice". After some minutes of rest, the band came to spend some time with their fans, autographing CDs, taking pics and all. This was a fine moment of the band, in which they show that even having a great name and used to large festivals in Europe, they are still humble and respect their fans.
1. The Rhymes of the Mountain
2. Epochalypse
3. Oceans Rise
(Outro playback)
4. Cold Runs the River
5. Ad Noctum
6. Universal
7. The Eye of Oden
8. Frostrite
9. Icon Dreams
10. Ruins of the Future
11. Dauden
12. The Dawn of the End
13. Colossus
14. Winter Thrice
I'd like to thank No Class Agency for bringing the band to Rio de Janeiro and for kindly make this review possible; to Talent Nation Agency, who brought the band to the South American tour, and for the kindness of Carolina Valdes Escanilla that gently allowed me to use her pics of the show.
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