ZORNHEYM: Finished Debut Album!

ZORNHEYM FINISHED THE DEBUT ALBUM! Swedish extreme symphonic metallers ZORNHEYM have finished mastering the debut […]
May 8, 2017


Swedish extreme symphonic metallers ZORNHEYM have finished mastering the debut album that will be out by the Dutch label Non Serviam Records!

The band commented on this: "This past Saturday, Sverker Widgren finished the mastering of our debut album "Where Hatred Dwells and Darkness Reigns"! We celebrated this with inviting some people to a private prelistening session of the album at Wing Studios and it was a great success! Thanks to every one who attended! The album will be released this fall by Non Serviam Records."

More info about the release will follow shortly.

Check out the videoclip for "The Opposed" that was the first single released for the debut album!

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Get ZORNHEYM "The Opposed" single at Non Serviam Records below:


Get ZORNHEYM "A Silent God" single at Non Serviam Records below:

https://non-serviam-records.ba ndcamp.com/album/a-silent-god


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