WOVENWAR: Launch Studio Update #1 - Drums

Wovenwardocumented the recording process of their self-titled debut album. Guitarist Nick Hipa applied his finely-honed […]
May 26, 2014

Wovenwardocumented the recording process of their self-titled debut album. Guitarist Nick Hipa applied his finely-honed video skills to this series of videos, as well as the videos already available for streaming at wovenwar.com. The first studio video features a candid looking at drummer Jordan Mancino tracking his parts for the record and can be viewed now at wovenwar.comJordan Mancino reflects on tracking for the new album:"It's weird to think that I finished tracking drums for this Wovenwar record over 5 months ago.

What an amazing and powerful experience it was being back in the studio creating and tracking with Nick, Phil, and Josh, and for the first time with Shane. Our past studio experiences together have always been done with the utmost efficiency and professionalism. With this Wovenwar record, we carried that same dedication of efficiency, but with more room and purpose to create while in the studio.

This being the first time in the studio with Shane it was easy to tell that he shares the same dedication as the four us. Having Bill and Jason as producers, Daniel and Joseph as engineers, as well Colin and Carl for mixing, I couldn't have imagined a more epic team of dudes to be part of this record. The history we all have together set the tone and comfort for this recording process, but what was accomplished was much more than I ever imagined. I am honored to be part of this record and honored to stand alongside my fellow band mates and production team as we begin this process of showing "All Rise" to the world.

"Wovenwar, featuring the talents ofJordan Mancino(drums),Nick Hipa(guitar),Phil Sgrosso(guitar) andJosh Gilbert(bass) of San Diego, California based metal act As I Lay Dying, andShane Blay(vocals) of Oh, Sleeper, has just released their first single titled "All Rise" off the band's upcoming self-titled debut. Fans can now head over to the band's official websiteWovenwar.comto hear the very first material released by the band, which is the mastered version that will appear on the album - not the final mix as previously reported.Over approximately the last year,Wovenwarcompleted work on the new material recorded with producer Bill Stevenson (Descendents, Black Flag) with mixing duties currently being handled by Colin Richardson (Slipknot, Machine Head, Trivium).

Wovenwar's debut self-titled release will be dropping in late summer 2014. Stay tuned tometalblade.com,wovenwar.com, and the members' personal accounts below for more information regarding album track listing, album artwork, touring, preorder info, new music, videos, social sites, etc.

Metal Blade
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