WORMED: Member Announces New Band LIFELOST

Following acclaimed releases of black metal bands like Gaerea, Imperialist and Nigredo, we're thrilled to […]
August 25, 2018

Following acclaimed releases of black metal bands like Gaerea, Imperialist and Nigredo, we're thrilled to announce a brand new band called Lifelost from the talented Wormed member Phlegeton. Their music is strangely complex but also dark and mesmerizing. Check out their first song on Bandcamp and YouTube.

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Wormed member Phlegeton creates spellbinding black metal under the moniker of Lifelost, his latest band. Creating complex patterns, Lifelost delves into the psyche of the listener and tears up preconceived notions about the style. Dark, harrowing and suspenseful, their music is a journey through your subconscious thoughts when you're at your most vulnerable. It throws up a plethora of emotions which are difficult to fully grasp at once. It's expressed with rare fluidity and grit, as the album breezes through its relatively short playing time, leaving you begging for more. This is a short and intense excursion to a different murky dimension where there is more happening than meets the eye.

Track listing -

1. Continuum
1. Malign Emanatio
2. Sepulchral Vault
3. Released From Life
4. Metanoia
5. Incorporeal Gate


Transcending Obscurity
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