WITCHBOUND: Continues On with Two New Members.

After the tragic death of Martin Winkler at the beginning of the year, the band […]
November 28, 2019

After the tragic death of Martin Winkler at the beginning of the year, the band was not sure for a long time whether and how it will continue. Now Witchbound has decided to continue the witch's musical legacy despite this new fate. With guitarist Julian Steiner and Tobias Schwenk as additional lead singer alongside singer Natalie Pereira dos Santos hired two new at Witchbound.

Julian (Cold Shot) and Tobi (Inferno, Alsion) have plenty of live experience. Details about live shows and a successor to "Tarot's Legacy" promises the band shortly. The mostly out of print album is still available here as CD and Vinyl.


El Puerto Records
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