WALKING CORPSE: Sign to Horror Pain Gore Death.

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions welcome WALKING CORPSE to the roster with their debut release, […]
March 20, 2019

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions welcome WALKING CORPSE to the roster with their debut release, Walking Corpse. Hailing from Göteborg Sweden, WALKING CORPSE are a Deathgrind quartet that formed in 2017. Walking Corpse features four unrelenting, uncompromising tracks that fuse Grindcore madness with Death Metal technicality for a malicious medley of controlled chaos.

Walking Corpse showcase frenetic fretwork with disorienting and dissonant riffs, colossal drums featuring head spinning blastbeats, and ear-shredding screams that wake the dead. A non-stop aural assualt for fans of Antigama, Brutal Truth, Cryptopsy, Discordance Axis, Gorguts, Immolation, Morbid Angel, Pig Destroyer, Pyrrhon and Vomitory.

Stream EP track "Trephine"

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Horror Pain Gore Death Productions will release Walking Corpse April 19 on CD and digital formats.


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