WAEL DAOU: Partnership with jazzman Ziza Padilha

And guitarist/songwriter WAEL DAOU not surprise us, in the midst of new compositions and relaunching […]
May 7, 2014

And guitarist/songwriter WAEL DAOU not surprise us, in the midst of new compositions and relaunching the EP "Ancient Conquerors", WAEL just closed a fantastic partnership with jazzman Ziza Padilha, who also owns the Zarabatana Jazz Band.

The purpose of this partnership is to further spread the unity of electric and acoustic guitars, where the two perform duets in their styles. The idea is to release an instrumental album which contain several duets and guitar duels x guitar, with great technique and feeling.

For those unfamiliar, Ziza Padilha is a violinist/composer Belenense, where he teaches guitar in the region, with Ziza also the leader of studio Zarabatana Studio and the main composer/arranger of the repertoire of Zarabatana Jazz Band.

Enjoy and check out the link below an excerpt from the last performance of the dual TV Cultural de Belém: https://bit.ly/1f2JJ8b

Renato Junior
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