WAEL DAOU: Excerpt of new song released

In pre -production of the new songs that will make rewriting the EP "Ancient Conquerors", […]
April 23, 2014

In pre -production of the new songs that will make rewriting the EP "Ancient Conquerors", WAEL DAOU releases an excerpt from one of the new songs, which you can check out the following link: https://on.fb.me/1oEu5UH

The guides of the new songs are almost ready, where WAEL points as a big technical developments.

Besides the revival of "Ancient Conquerors", it will feature an exclusive Songbook , which will be released alongside the CD.

So is we wait and see what this great guitarist is ready!

Related Link:

Wael Daou | Facebook
Wael Daou's sounds on SoundCloud - Hear the world's sounds
Wael Daou - YouTube
Twitter: @waeldaou

Renato Junior
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