VOODOO DIAMOND: Announce New Album.

Portuguese/New Zealandese/Japanese metal outfit's new album, 'Darkness Becomes It', will be released on June 22nd […]
April 10, 2018

Portuguese/New Zealandese/Japanese metal outfit's new album, 'Darkness Becomes It', will be released on June 22nd via Musicarchy Media.

'Darkness Becomes It' was produced by acclaimed music producer Scott Atkins (Cradle Of Filth, Amon Amarth) at Grindstone Studio, U.K, mixed and mastered by producer extraordinaire Fredrik Nordstrom (Bring Me The Horizon, Architects, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Opeth).

The artwork original concept was conceived by Filipe Martins and Alex Dias and the cover created by Alex Dias and Elisa Pezzato.

'Darkness Becomes It' tracklisting:

Black Ice
With My Hands Clenched
While She Sleeps
Broken Mirrors
Forgive Me Not
Givin It All
Son Of A Bastard Sun

First single and video 'Deny' (directed and edited by Filipe Martins) will be released on April 24th.


Grand Sounds PR
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