VOLAHN streams new album at CVLTNation.com‏

Today,Volahn- founders of America's mysterious, ever-churning Black Twilight Circle - stream the entirety of their […]
January 13, 2015

Today,Volahn- founders of America's mysterious, ever-churning Black Twilight Circle - stream the entirety of their highly anticipated second album, Aq'ab'al-released last week viaIron Bonehead Productions,The Ajna Offensivefor the vinyl version andCrepusculo Negrofor the cassette version - at heavily trafficked web-portal CVLNation.com.The Mayan calendar symbol for night entering dawn,Aq'ab'alsymbolizes the earthly dark spaces & those within our own consciousness. The Maya value these places as both of spiritual and physical wealth.Aq'ab'alis the re-generating power of the still & the dark - the place of rebirth & transformation - as in "Be Still & Know that I am God." A Black Twilight journey to a sound portal opening towards the dawn of Mayan gods and the jaguar warrior-kings who sustained their will:Volahn'sAq'ab'alproclaims the spirit of indigenous ritual through six tracks of cosmic black metal coming to an hour long. Recorded at Black Twilight Studio and mixed & mastered by Arthur Rizk at Solomon's Gate,Aq'ab'alcaptures a professional recording immersed in metaphysical esoteric hysteria.

Hear all this hysteria for yourself exclusivelyHERE- as well as an exhaustive, insightful interview withVolahn- courtesy of CVLTNation.com.

Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Volahn'sAq'ab'al:

1. Najtir Ichik
2. Halhi Khoba
3. Bonampak
4. Quetzalcoatl
5. Koyopa
6. Nawalik

Iron Bonehead PR
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