VIELIKAN: Announce New Album Back To The Black Marsh Release Date
January 3, 2019
VIELIKAN is a Tunisian (North-Africa) progressive extreme metal act I founded in 2007, the music I produce is a combination of death metal, black metal and doom metal. My main influences are my roots: the Russian folklore. The overall extreme music is in the vein of bands like OPETH (old), GOJIRA, PRIMORDIAL, ULCERATE, DEATHSPELL OMEGA and ESOTERIC.
"Nine years have passed since the last album," Says multi-instrumentalist Fedor Kovelevsky,"I released scattered singles in the past few years and now I 'officially' announced the release of a new album I have been working since 2016."
Back to the Black Marsh will be released on March 22. In this album, the Russian and overall Slavic folklore is constantly present with its melancholic melodies associated with the renowned eastern gypsy valse rhythmics as a main sound identity, dressing the rageful extreme metal aspect of Vielikan.
'God(s), Love and Life', a song from the album, is available on the Bandcamp page and Youtube.
Kyle Scott
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