VESSEL OF LIGHT: Reveal New Album Cover & Single.

World renown tattoo artist Ruben Barahona has lended his talents to the cover of the […]
October 7, 2019

World renown tattoo artist Ruben Barahona has lended his talents to the cover of the third release by Vessel of Light. "Ruben is one of my favorite tattoo artists in the world, and I was blown away by the fact he would do this for us" stated VOL guitarist Dan Lorenzo. "Ruben loves metal and he recently came out to support us when we played in Brooklyn. You'd never know it from looking at what created...but Ruben had never designed album art until this. We can't thank him enough."

Here is a short clip of VESSEL OF LIGHT performing their song Abandon Life from the upcoming CD Thy Serpent Rise in Brooklyn:

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About three years ago Dan Lorenzo (founding member of Hades and Non-Fiction) first came upon the Ancient VVisdom video for their song The Opposition. Lorenzo became obsessed with the song and reached out to Ancient VVisdom's Nathan Opposition. The duo eventually decided to work on writing new music together and Lorenzo drove to Cleveland to have what would become the first ever Vessel Of Light rehearsal. A month later Lorenzo was back in Cleveland, and he and Opposition recorded 7 songs in one day. Those recordings became the first Vessel Of Light EP on Italy's Argonauta Records in November of 2017.

Writing and recording with Opposition rekindled Lorenzo's love of music as he had taken a decade off from writing after releasing The Cursed "Room Full of Sinners" with Overkill's Bobby Blitz in 2007. The two quickly started writing a follow up to their debut. In September of 2018 "Woodshed" was released digitally, on vinyl and CD on Argonauta. Just as the debut, Opposition handled all drums and vocals while Lorenzo played all the guitars and bass. Woodshed was released to stellar reviews and the respect of their peers. Sirius/XM played the single Son of Man and Overkill's Bobby Blitz played Son of Man five times during his one week take-over on Liquid Metal stating that Lorenzo was one of his favorite guitarists and Vessel Of Light one of his favorite new bands.

Opposition and Lorenzo decided it was time to turn Vessel Of Light into more than just a studio act and on September 28th, 2018 they played their first ever show to a sold out crowd at The Bowery Ballroom in NYC opening for Life Of Agony and Silvertomb. They recruited former Overkill drummer Ron Lipnicki and former Hades bassist Jimmy Schulman for the performance. Although the four had never been on the same stage together (let alone the same room), the show went off as if they'd been playing together for years. After the show went off without a hitch Lorenzo asked Opposition if Lipnicki and Schulman should be utilized to record the third VOL album and Opposition replied with an emphatic "Hell yeah!". The band did a run of shows in May 2019 culminating in a performance at The New England Stoner and Doom Festival in Connecticut.

The ensemble have recently finished recording their third release; Thy Serpent Rise. Twelve brand new songs that run the gamut from doom to sludge to groove metal.The CD's final mix was done by JROD Productions.

Argonauta informed the band they could release the CD and vinyl in February or March. "We totally appreciate everything Gero from Argonauta has done for us with our first two albums, but I already started writing some of the 4th Vessel of Light album. I just lose my excitement of new music when it has to sit for half a year before the world gets to hear it", Lorenzo stated. "Because of that we are going to release it ourselves digitally and on CDs November 1st.

Ordering information will be on Lorenzo's website:

Dan Lorenzo
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