Venomous Maximus: New Song "Through the Black" Available for Streaming
April 6, 2015
Houston heavy metal bandVENOMOUS MAXIMUSwill release its new album,Firewalker, onMay 19via Shadow Kingdom Records. The award-winning four piece, who has wonback-to-back-to-back titles at theHouston PressMusic Awards as the city'sBest Metal Band, recorded the albumat the Diamond Factory in Austin, TXwith engineer Travis Bonner (Ancient VVisdom). Therecordwas mastered by Paul Logus (Satyricon, Clutch, Anthrax). Today, Invisible Oranges premieres the newsong "Through the Black", saying, "Venomous Maximus strikes the John Carpenter creepy-cool balance".
Check outVENOMOUS MAXIMUS' "Though the Black" here:Exclusive Song Stream: Venomous Maximus ' "Through the Black"
"One thing that underground musichas been missing for the last 10 years is danger," saysVENOMOUS MAXIMUSvocalist / guitaristGregg Higgins. "Making this recordalmost killed us and pissed a lot of people off in the making, but chaos and drama make good art."
VENOMOUS MAXIMUSis an explosive, unbridled force.The band's music combines intense, unabashed metal riffing that locks into heavy rock grooves featuring interjected dual leads and darkened atmospheres.A live powerhouse,VENOMOUS MAXIMUS has toured the U.S. as hand-picked guests of metal legends DOWN, HIGH ON FIRE and PENTAGRAM, and has created a huge buzz as part of both Austin's SXSW and Fun Fun Fun festivals. VENOMOUS MAXIMUS consistently blows the doors off every venue in its touring path, leaving a whole new contingent of music fans awestruck and hungry for more. Last month, NPR named the band to its "Austin 100"hot list as one of the news and entertainment source'sartists to discover at SXSW 2015.
Now, with the impending LP,Firewalker,VENOMOUS MAXIMUSis poised to prove that each and every accolade it has earned since its formation in 2010is backed with the determinationand drive necessary to push modern metal forward in 2015.
Firewalkertrack listing:
1.) Intro
2.) White Rose
3.) Through the Black
4.) Dark Waves
5.) October 14
6.) Firewalker Theme
7.) Angel Heart
8.) My Machine
9.) Fire in the Night
10.) Take On the Grave
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