VENGHA: Releases Music Video

Vengha has released the "Ergo" album, and now the band has dropped a new music […]
August 10, 2014

Vengha has released the "Ergo" album, and now the band has dropped a new music video for "My Slave," which can be seen below. Front man Robin "Lave" Ohlausson also comments:

"Things have been running smoothly but in a steady pace with a lot of live performances important for the future of Vengha. 'Ergo' is the final conclusion of what Vengha has gone through with a determined thought of actually doing it by themselves.

"We have everything 'in-house.' No labels and no management, just dedication and hard work. It has been an experiment and a great test of what we actually can do. We have more stuff ongoing that has been planned for a long time."

The album was produced, recorded, and mixed by Vengha guitarist Mojje "Crunchman" Andersson. All graphics, photos and artwork was handled by Robin "Lave" Ohlausson

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