VANISH: Signed with El Puerto Records

Lead Singer Bastian Rose: "Hey Make-Believers, we are incredibly happy as we have found a […]
December 1, 2022

Lead Singer Bastian Rose:
"Hey Make-Believers, we are incredibly happy as we have found a strong partner for our future in El Puerto Records. We have specifically looked for a label that respects VANISH and puts the human and personal relationship with the band before the commercial goals. In our talks it became clear that we are absolutely entering the right home port with these guys. We have a brilliant album in the bag, which will surely give you not only a hint of solace in these times. Be curious about awesome Modern Power Metal."

Label Founder Torsten Ihlenfeld is also happy: "We are absolutely thrilled to welcome VANISH at El Puerto Records. We are completely excited about the new songs from the guys and we already can't wait to present you one of the upcoming Metal-Highlights for 2023! VANISH plays modern Power Metal on an absolute top level! Welcome at El Puerto Records VANISH!"

VANISH formed in 2000 and have released three albums so far.

Since then they have been on tour with Queensryche, Michael Schenker, Rage, Ross the Boss or Brainstorm among others and are also known at festivals like Rock of Ages (DE), Rock The Ring (CH) or Baltic Open Air (DE).

Bastian Rose - Vocals, Keys
Ralf Nopper - Drums
Philipp Schönle - Guitars
Andreas Armbruster - Bass
Ben Galster - Guitars

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