VADER: Announce "Anniversary Tour 2020."

2020 is going to be a memorable year for the death metal force VADER: the […]
November 26, 2019

2020 is going to be a memorable year for the death metal force VADER: the band from Poland have ample reason to celebrate! In 1990, thirty years ago, theirssecond demo "Morbid Reich" was released - opening a completely new world to the band and kick-starting their career. Five years later, the second album "De Profundis" followed, set to celebrate its 25th birthday next year. In 2000, twenty years ago, "Litany" was released - one of the most popular VADER albums to date.

And last but not least: their mini album "Art Of War" is also celebrating its 15 anniversary!

To honour these landmark occasions, VADER have dedicated an whole an anniversary tour to these four works, set to take band across Europe in March 2020, with support to come from bands DEFILED, CHRONOSPHERE and FALLCIE.

Anniversary Tour 2020
"De Profundis" + "Litany" + "Art Of War"

07.03. D Osnabrück - Bastard Club
08.03. B Arlon - L'Entrepôt
09.03. UK London - The Underworld Camden
10.03. NL Rotterdam - Baroeg
11.03. B Lokeren - Sport & Jeugdcomplex
12.03. NL Amersfoort - Fluor033
13.03. D Leipzig - Stadtbad
14.03. D Marsberg - Metal Diver Festival
15.03. D Mannheim - MS Connexion Complex
16.03. CH Martigny - Sunset Bar
17.03. CH Martigny - Sunset Bar
18.03. I Paderno Dugnano (MI) - Slaughter Club
19.03. I San Donà di Piave (VE) - Revolver Club
20.03. HR Zagreb - Klub Močvara
21.03. A Vienna - Viper Room
22.03. SK Košice - Collosseum Club

In May 2019, VADER released their latest EP "Thy Messenger". It was recorded in the Hertz Studios under the supervision of the Wieslawski Brothers. The cover was created by Wes Benscoter who already collaborated with VADER for the "De Profundis" LP and already designed covers for artists like SLAYER, KREATOR and SINISTER.

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Nuclear Blast
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