ULULATE: Signs To Xtreem Music

Xtreem Music have announced the signing of a quite veteran band from! China!! They're ULULATE, […]
December 29, 2014

Xtreem Music have announced the signing of a quite veteran band from! China!! They're ULULATE, a one-man band that started back in 2001 as a Black Meta outfit and now have mutated into a solid Death Metal act.

ULULATE released their debut album back in 2002 and then some EP's and splits until in 2014, Spectre, the only man behind the band, who plays all instruments, recorded a new album entitled "Back to Cannibal World" displaying a very personal vision of horror themed Death Metal incorporating weird and twisted elements in it. To give you an idea of ULULATE's sound, it comes as a blend of influences from bands like very early CARBONIZED, AUTOPSY, IMMOLATION demo days and even japanese NECROPHILE.

Cover artwork for "Back to Cannibal World", depicting some chinese zombies, has been created by killer spanish artist César Valladares and tracklist for the album is as follows:

1. Not Always Be Silent
2. Red Wine
3. Decease and Sadness
4. Anxiety of Mortality
5. Enchantment
6. Mrs. Cobra
7. Real Catastrophe
8. Song Dan Ping

Release date for "Back to Cannibal World" has been set for the 1st of February 2015 and since there's no official website for ULULATE (and there won't be), you can listen to this exclusive advance track here:

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