TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN ' First album trailer of "The Life And Times Of Scrooge" released

Tuomas Holopainen ' the keyboardist and main songwriter of NIGHTWISH - has spent most of […]
February 20, 2014

Tuomas Holopainen ' the keyboardist and main songwriter of NIGHTWISH - has spent most of the year 2013 writing and producing his solo album, called "The Life And Times Of Scrooge". It will be released on April, 11th.

Today, the first album trailer is released. It contains amazing material, shoot by video director Ville Lipiäinen.

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The whole album will be based on a graphic novel called "The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck", written and illustrated by Don Rosa.

TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN has just released his debut solo single, 'A Lifetime of Adventure' from his highly anticipated upcoming album "The Life and Times of Scrooge". The vocals on "A Lifetime of Adventure" are done by Finnish singer Johanna Kurkela. The guitars were played by Finnish Jazz musician Mikko Iivanainen, whose wife Johanna did the backing vocals.

The single is available on CD, colored vinyl and digital!
Order the single here: https://bit.ly/1kYuvQh
Or via iTunes here: https://georiot.co/TuomasLivetime

The video was directed by Ville Lipiäinen and includes Mika Jussila's photos of Tuomas Holopainen and Don Rosa in the recording studio.

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