TRUE THRASH FESTIVAL: Help the Japanese Festival

TRUE THRASH FEST in Osaka, Japan is the most important Underground Festival in Japan. The […]
March 5, 2020

TRUE THRASH FEST in Osaka, Japan is the most important Underground Festival in Japan. The organizer Miki is one of the most valuable guys of the scene worldwide and always helpful to others. Now in 2020, both headliners had to cancel on very short notice, so despite being sold out, people did not go and wanted refunds. This left Miki with a huge loss, that is threatening the existence of his shop and his future. Since the festivals in the underground scene are friends, we have decided to support Miki by creating a gofundme site so people can help him. The festivals supporting this are UP THE HAMMERS (Greece), HAMMER AND IRON, HAMMER OF DOOM, METAL ASSAULT, KEEP IT TRUE (all Germany), LEGIONS OF METAL (USA) plus some others that will follow up after this funding has started. Please help and show support to our scene, even small amounts are helping Miki. Thank you all so much for your support!

(PS/Crowdfunding page started by Oliver Weinsheimer from KEEP IT TRUE Festival)

Inferno Records
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