TRUE LIE: Premiere "When Everything Withers" New Lyric Video

Hailing from ItalyTRUE LIEmixedmelodic death metal, thrash with the grooviest metal core, without sounding predictable. […]
December 11, 2014

Hailing from ItalyTRUE LIEmixedmelodic death metal, thrash with the grooviest metal core, without sounding predictable. Melody. Rage. Atmosphere.

True Liedebut album"At The First Glare Of A Colder Sky"is a journey through the shades of human depths with an explosive modern metal sound.

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Mixed bySimone Mularoni at Domination Studio, mastered byFredrik Nordströmand Henrik Udd atStudio Fredman,inSweden, and released byTo React Records in June 2014,"At The First Glare Of A Colder Sky"has been already well received by press and fans alike.

Check Out their first video clip"As The Dawn Broke"below.

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