Top 10 - 2014 / By Macros "Big Daddy" Garcia

No. 10 Band: Andsolis Album: Vigil General Info Year of formation: 2012 Label: Quality Steel […]
December 28, 2014

No. 10
Band: Andsolis
Album: Vigil

General Info
Year of formation: 2012
Label: Quality Steel Records (on Europe), Shinigami Records (on Brazil)

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This German septet uses a uncommon way to create a Melodic Death Metal with some very good influences from Epic Metal, with guttural voices contrasting with clean ones on the vein of BORKNAGAR/VINTERSORG uses. With some chances, can be a great name in the future.

No. 9
Band: Behemoth
Album: The Satanist

General Info
Year of formation: 1991
Label: Nuclear Blast

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The Polish kings of extreme Metal returned after a time of strong doubts due Nergal's illness with a great and powerful album, showing a new face of their music, a bit more dry, but always strong, heavy and violent.

No. 8
Band: Immortal Guardian
Album: The Revolution Part I

General info
Year of Formation: 2008
Label: Independent

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This US based quintet is a perfect mix between influences of Power Metal with some extreme Metal elements (grunts and tempos), called by the fans as Super Metal. This opens great musical possibilities to their future, and as it's not enough, Roy Z produced and is a guest in one track. Just can't wait for the part II!

No. 7
Band: Bjarm
Album: Imminence

General info
Year of Formation: 2009
Label: Fono Ltd.

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The greatest revelation of the year, this Russian sextet does a Black Metal with melodic structures, remind a bit bands like DIMMU BORGIR during "Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" times and COVENANT on "Nexus Polaris", being darkened and atmospheric. But they're extremely far of being a copy, so hear it.

No. 6
Band: Suicidal Angels
Album: Divide and Conquer

General info
Year of Formation: 2001
Label: NoiseArt Records

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Thrash Metal Greek masters were back and furious. In "Divide and Conquer", the band used a more modern recording quality with their musical personality, giving us all a weapon of mass destruction, with participation of classic musical instruments. They showed that the band still has much more to give to Metal.

No. 5
Band: Voodoopriest
Album: Mandu

General info
Year of Formation: 2012
Label: Independent

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This band is a great name from Brazilian lands, coming with a conceptual album (where the main story is about "Mandu", a Brazilian Indian leader who fought against the invasion of his tribes' lands), but their mix between the most aggressive and violent Thrash Metal with Death Metal touches is something astonishing!

No. 4
Band: Zaltana
Album: Zaltana

General info
Year of Formation: 2012
Label: Insane Records

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Modern Metal coming from São Paulo (Brazil), daring to obey only to their musical instincts and never to labels, they dared to create something new and fresh, melodic but with tons of aggressiveness and technique. "Zaltana" can hypnotize and steal your soul, so enjoy the ride.

No. 3
Band: Tellus Terror
Album: EZ Life DV8

General info
Year of Formation: 2012
Label: Independent

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This sextet from Niterói (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is specialized in defy all our conceptions with their mixed Metal styles (called by them as MMS) ideals. The album is a great piece, enigmatic and renews all we are used to hear. It's not a mere coincidence that "EZ Life DV8" is sometimes compared to CELTIC FROST's "To Megatherion" in terms of creative impact.

No. 2
Band: Unearthly
Album: The Unearthly

General info
Year of Formation: 1999
Label: Shinigami Records

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The Brazilian Devils showed a new face of their music in this album. Mixing their Death/Black Metal style with Brazilian regional music, as well as giving up of a extreme speed all the time, "The Unearthly" broke a lot of conceptions. And this gives them a more personal work, daring to conquest more and more space into Metal scene.

No. 1
Band: Dynahead
Album: Chordata II

General info
Year of Formation: 2004
Label: Independent

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A Brazilian quintet that refuses to be labeled, using a completely new insight in creating Metal music, breaking all boundaries and turning all conceptions behind the labels to pieces. "Chordata II" is fascinating, a true masterpiece and a mix between Metal and Jazzistic moments, along with influences from Brazilian music as Samba and MPB. The album is courageous and perfect as Metal must be to face the future.

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