THOKKIAN VORTEX: Sign to Non Serviam Records

Dutch extreme metal label Non Serviam Records proudly announces the signing of black metal outfit […]
December 17, 2019

Dutch extreme metal label Non Serviam Records proudly announces the signing of black metal outfit THOKKIAN VORTEX. The band is fronted by Lord Kaiaphas, the former vocalist of Norwegian black metal act, ANCIENT. The band features also guitarist Sabnock, bassist Sil, and drummer Asmodevs Draco Dvx (AZRATH 11, NAER MATARON, KURGAALL, ANCIENT, MELECHESH, etc.) in their ranks.

The highly anticipated sophomore album from international black metal masters THOKKIAN VORTEX will soon see the light of the day.

Mastermind Lord Kaiaphas states: "We are proud to announce that Thokkian Vortex has just signed a contract with Dutch record label - Non ServiamRecords for our second full length album 'Thy Throne is Mine'. A new chapter has begun now for us with this alliance, and we are all looking forward to work with NSR for future projects! We hail Ricardo at Non Serviam Records for believing in Thokkian Vortex! The journey in the Abyss continues!".

Ricardo Gelok from Non Serviam Records enthuses: "After receiving some demo songs, I was eager to hear more. When we received the final recordings, I was blown away! Black n' Roll. I'm proud that Thokkian Vortex is signed at my label".

Musically, Thokkian Vortex is Nordic style black metal as it was played in the 90's by bands such as MAYHEM, EMPEROR, DARK FUNERAL, LIMBONIC ART, SATYRICON, etc.

The debut album from THOKKIAN VORTEX, "Into The Nagual", was released at the end of January 2016 by Unexploded Records.

In 2019 THOKKIAN VORTEX completed the recordings for their second album, "Thy Throne Is Mine".

"Thy Throne is Mine" will be released by Non Serviam Records in 2020. More details will follow soon.

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NeeCee Agency
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