"They had a storage container full of body parts" The Mastermind Behind Deathgasm by Lotty Whittingham

Blood splattering Heavy Metal Fuelled comedy "Deathgasm" will hit the silver screens soon and to […]
October 1, 2015

Blood splattering Heavy Metal Fuelled comedy "Deathgasm" will hit the silver screens soon and to say it's a film worth seeing would be a huge understatement. It was a great breath of fresh air to find a more realistic representations of metal heads. The man behind it Jason Lei Howden gives us a film that us metal heads can actually relate to, he states:

"There have often been metal heads in film and television before but they often get it wrong. Often portraying them as goths or punks."

After speaking to him it was interesting to find out that a lot of these experiences were personal to him growing up giving it that sort of personal touch.

"It was a lot of fun bringing my teenage years to that and a few of my experiences growing up."

Real people, using real lives to make the best stories is a remarkable feature. You can listen to the whole interview in the clip below where we speak about his new film, the entertaiment industry in New Zealand and impaling demons with vibrating dildos.

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