THE WAKE: Romanian/German Duo Announce Debut Album 'EARTH'S NECROPOLIS'
September 7, 2017
Romanian / German duo The Wake announce their debut album, Earth's Necropolis, is scheduled to be released in collaboration with Loud Rage Music this September 23rd.
Although the composition and recording process started in 2009, Earth's Necropolis was mixed and mastered throughout 2016. The band never rehearsed in their whole time of existence, nor a single live performance took place. Travis Smith (Death, Kind Diamond, Opeth) contributed to this release with his occult and dark art, while a few musicians joined as guest vocalists, such as Costin-Alexandru Chioreanu (Bloodway), Michael Pilat (ex-The Ocean) and Joshua Kabe Ashworth (Society's Finest, ex-Zao).
Here's a part of Costin Chioreanu's vocal recordings for the track Trial Against Humanity:

The Wake
Loud Rage Music
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