THE SULLEN: "For Strange Times Ahead" Premiere.

As of 2019, melodic black/gothic metal project The Sullen from Athens has some news to […]
March 2, 2019

As of 2019, melodic black/gothic metal project The Sullen from Athens has some news to spread. Here, I submit some info regarding their very first single "For Strange Times Ahead", which is due to be released in the near future.

All new Athenian one man project band The Sullen, send forth their first musical endeavor under the title "For Strange Times Ahead", which is due to be released in both digital and physical forms in the near future. Listen to "For Strange Times Ahead" here:

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Formed out of the ashes of his previous band "Final Words of Sorrow", The Sullen was created by Petros "Elathan" Petalas in Athens, in the fall of 2018. Its musical path is an alloy of gothic/black metal with melodic doom elements, under the aegis of Tribulation, Paradise Lost, Primordial and the prime Rotting Christ era. Petros comments on the release: "It's a piece about how everyday struggles steal our smiles and make us walk about sullenly, and the wish to escape from all of it." The track was performed, mixed and mastered by Petros Petalas.

Crystallia Latsara
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