THE STORY BEHIND: New Single "The Last Chapter."

We proudly present the video for our second single "Last Chapter". Our mascot Captain Haze […]
March 8, 2019

We proudly present the video for our second single "Last Chapter". Our mascot Captain Haze is relaxing in his galactic bachelor pad while reminiscing over adventures with someone special on a far away planet. Tell Houston that we've got a problem and follow along on the captain's next adventure!

The Story Behind has the ingredients required to become the hottest new metal band from Sweden. This exciting new constellation is comprised of some of the most experienced musicians from the Gothenburg metal scene. During 2018 the band has written and recorded their debut album named "Initium" (Latin for "The Start") which has been mixed and mastered by none other than the infamous Fredrik Nordström (In Flames, Architects, Bring Me The Horizon) at Fredman Studios in Gothenburg, Sweden.

As the band name suggests, the song lyrics tell real life stories based on the band's personal experiences. During the album making process a concept arose where the song stories became intertwined into one greater story. This great tale captivates the listener while allowing them to follow along on an adventure with a fictional character in the form of an astronaut named Captain Jeffery Haze.

Music Video (Last Chapter):

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The Story Behind
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