THE LOTUS release new video

With a rich vein of progressive, modern and classic alt-rock stamped intotheir DNA, The Lotus […]
May 9, 2017

With a rich vein of progressive, modern and classic alt-rock stamped intotheir DNA, The Lotus cite Queen, Depeche Mode, Radiohead, System Of A Downand Pink Floyd all as major influences in fashioning their expansive sound.
Their music may be difficult to categorise, but it is easy to embrace andadore. The Lotus are sure to turn heads as they strike out with the releaseof their new video single 'Mars-X', out now '

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Originally formed in 2004 in San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, The Lotusbuilt a steady fanbase throughout Rome and Milan. By 2008, the band hadplayed their very first US tour which saw the youthful riff maestros take incities throughout California and Texas. The inventive quartet then releasedtheir debut album Forgotten Silence in 2010 via Copro Records.Much acclaim and praise followed, and so too did further touring throughoutthe whole of the UK. By June 2013, the quartet dropped a new EP, Tomorrow,along with their first video single Why Are We Still Living in the Yesterdays? '

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The band then went on to release another EP in 2015, Awakening, which is a hefty piece of a progressive and psychedelic ambient rock that will delve into your innercore.

The Lotus are currently working on their second full length album with PaulReeve (Muse) at the helm, and this record promises to be their best work todate. The alternate crew have also released a new video single for, Mars-X '

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The single is a twisted voyage of modern synth prog which bathes in the turbulent waters of alt-rock. Part atmospheric, part groove, it is aggressive and ultimately mesmerising. With further singles and European shows to following during the coming months, The Lotus are here to take over your world.

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