THE LAST CELL: Premiers New Track, "Airieleon."

It's about time to stir up the progressive music-scene with a brand new solo artist […]
February 7, 2020

It's about time to stir up the progressive music-scene with a brand new solo artist straight from the alps. Jean-Marc Perc, alias THE LAST CELL, started shredding from the tender age of nine, laying the groundwork for his obsession with music and his goal of becoming a seriously skilled part of the prog scene.

His journey from being strapped to the guitar from such an early age on, has ultimately led him to the release of his Debut NAUTILUS in 2018. This instrumental work tells the story of the origin of life, the fight for survival and the inevitable end of it all. A tragic yet relatable story weaved into a varied musical performance and conveyed without a single word. Or as Metal Temple describes it: "There are moments of pure sublime bliss, and others where the heavy sound pulses through your body and shakes your core"

After hitting the scene in Vienna alongside "Their Dogs Were Astronauts" THE LAST CELL's next mission is to conquer the stages of europe and beyond. Having found his own voice in the prog scene, Jean-Marc is joined by his two stage members, Lukas Florian [Bass]and Robin Weber [Drums], as they awake visions of earth-shattering solar eruptions, astrophysical doomsday fantasies and planetary collisions.

Coining the term "creation through chaos", CONTINENTAL DRIFT, the newest release, continues the story about life, uncertainty and the end of it all, in a monumental way. Long after humanity has died, the universe will start to fade into extinction until there is but one thing left...

Today, he premiers his new single, "Airieleon."

Metal Temple
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