THE HOWLING LORDS: Released "Soul to Sell."

Fast rising Scottish dirty blues trio, THE HOWLING LORDS, dispatch a hypnotic, dirty garage rock […]
March 15, 2019

Fast rising Scottish dirty blues trio, THE HOWLING LORDS, dispatch a hypnotic, dirty garage rock sound with stout riffs, casting comparisons to everyone from the Black Keys and Queens Of the Stoneage to Creedence Clearwater Revival. The ascending three piece continue their rise with a UK tour and a brand new captivating video for the track, Soul To Sell -

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If you are new to THE HOWLING LORDS then you're missing out. Born in late 2015 and hailing from Isle of Lewis in Scotland, the band have a rugged grit and iron determination to expand their horizons. THE HOWLING LORD's current album, Texas Medicine, recently wooed industry tastemakers from Classic Rock Magazine, Powerplay, Moshville Times, Distorted Sound Magazine and Maximum Volume Music through to Ramzine.

THE HOWLING LORDS will tour the UK this month; see below for dates. The shows will coincide with the release of the band's mesmerising new video,
Soul To Sell. Vocalist and Guitarist Felix Saunders discusses the motivation and background behind the track: "Soul To Sell seems to document my relationship with religion and how I struggle to understand how people just follow it so blindly, not questioning what they teach. The song is rooted in growing up on a very religious island and how I had little choice but to learn what was preached to me."

ABERDEEN The Cellar; 23rd GLASGOW 13th Note; 24th EDINBURGH Bannerman's;
27th BRADFORD AL's Dime Bar; 28th DERBY Sitwell Tavern; 29th WHITCHURCH
Percy's Cafe; 30th LONDON Amersham Arms.

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