THE FELL: Announce New Front-Man, Anthony De La Torre!

Due to contractual obligations, Toby Rand was unfortunately unable to continue with The Fell. We […]
July 26, 2017

Due to contractual obligations, Toby Rand was unfortunately unable to continue with The Fell. We wish him all the best for the future! However, we are thrilled to announce our new front-man, Anthony De La Torre. Anthony is an amazing vocalist who you may also know as Young Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. We are incredibly excited to welcome Anthony into The Fell family and look forward to touring in September. See you there!"

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The Fell 'a new alternative rock band consisting of the multi-talented Anthony De La Torre on vocals, who you may also know as Young Jack Sparrow in Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Mike Krompass - Guitar player and Multi-Platinum producer , Notorious session drummer Randy Cooke and last, but not least, Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, Winery Dogs) on bass, who needs no introduction.

The Fell is not typical of any of their past projects, It's a fresh new direction, but uses their influences to create a more modern sound, with heavy guitars, powerful riffs, crushing grooves and huge vocals.

High Road Publicity
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