The Diamond Man Clan "MEDIOCRE" New single OUT NOW! With a fed up and frustrated […]
February 18, 2017

The Diamond Man Clan "MEDIOCRE" New single OUT NOW!

With a fed up and frustrated chord progression, riffs with the power of a fucking marvel hero, and the heavy confident tempo, this live recorded song ruthlessly gets the lyrics and feeling through no matter what.

This song came to life from peer fury to the fact that people are forced to learn things they don't need to know, in ways that doesn't suit them.

Many of the worlds biggest works of art, poetry, philosophies, inventions and other game changing ideas have come from people with "learning disorders".

People who have a hard time focusing at whatever is being presented to them in the wrong environment or state of mind, but can not for the life of them get their mind off whatever is being presented to them, when the circumstances are right.

Many of these people can achieve much deeper and greater understanding in various subjects than those who fit effortlessly into the normalized frames of learning that only give birth to already dead, unprovocative, unquestioning thoughts, but since their way is not the proper, accepted way, the system built to improve society, falls at it's own hand by mentally imprisoning the people who actually can take the conversations and thoughts in the necessary directions at the fastest rates.

It's okay to think outside the box, as long as you keep within the fucking frame.

The most clear examples takes place in a school where, for instance, a math puzzle is explained once or maybe twice, by one person, to a group of 30 people, and when the words hit the kids ears, it doesn't sound at all the same, to one, as to the next.

The song Mediocre is a twenty foot genderless, immortal, rock hard motherfucking golem punching through the red brick wall of every fucking class room with an ignorant teacher in it, growling out in unstoppable rage: "If you only teach these mediocre assholes, whom apparently are willing to swallow anything but their bitter fucking pride, you'll never give anyone the chance to rise to their full potential. At least not without being completely destroyed as a person on the path."

Listen to "MEDIOCRE"

Gain Music Entertainment
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