THE CLAYMORE: Supporting W.A.S.P. In Germany

German Metal band THE CLAYMORE will support W.A.S.P. on the following dates: October 20 - […]
By Maria Voutiriadou
October 4, 2010

German Metal band THE CLAYMORE will support W.A.S.P. on the following dates:

20 - Bremen, Germany - Aladin Music Hall
21 - Leipzig, Germany - Hellraiser
23 - Burglengenfeld, Germany - VA Zentrum
24 - Wörgl, Austria - Komma
25 - Köln, Germany - Essigfabrik

THE CLAYMORE will release its third album, "Damnation Reigns", in Europe on October 22 via Black Bards Entertainment. The CD features guest appearances by Tim "Ripper" Owens (YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, JUDAS PRIEST, ICED EARTH) and Victor Smolski (RAGE).

For more information, visit

Source: www.BlabberMouth.Net

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