THE AGONIST: Unleash brand new video!

[attachment_safe type="inline" description=""]5387[/attachment_safe] September 20th 2019 will see Canada's finest extreme metal export, The Agonist, […]
July 26, 2019

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September 20th 2019 will see Canada's finest extreme metal export, The Agonist, release their brand new album, Orphans, with Rodeostar Records. More extreme, more melodic, more exciting and larger than life sounds: On their sixth studio record, The Agonist are unleashing a true monster feeding on melodic death metal and almost rocking moments. In between beautifully anthemic metal sound walls, pounding grooves and fierce riffs, charismatic front vocalist Vicky Psarakis showcases her impressive range that covers everything from rock diva all the way to sick death metal growls. The result is a flickering, iridescent and varied masterpiece nestled in between sheer brutality and melodic frailty ' simply incomparable!

But let the music speak for itself, as today The Agonist have unleashed a second track from their upcoming Orphans! Watch the new video for Burn it all Down:

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Says Chris Kells, The Agonist bassist and video director: "When the band had first decided to make "Burn it all Down" a music video, naturally I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to make a high intensity video that portrayed Vicky's anger in delivering the lyrics, all while a blazing inferno is happening behind the band. It wasn't an easy task to make happen! I thought i had it all figured out with my video team but none of us had ever done a fire shoot before. Normally we take our time in setting up the lighting and over analyzing the shots to make sure what works best in the moment. There was absolutely no time for that. Once we lit the fire It was a a race right till the end to make sure we kept it blazing and high all while trying to get every one of our scheduled shots in. In the end everything worked out, we didn't burn down a field, nobody got hurt, just singed, and we all hustled to make sure we got everything done that was needed."

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Orphans Tracklisting:
01. In Vertigo
02. As One We Survive
03. The Gift of Silence
04. Blood as My Guide
05. Mr. Cold
06. Dust to Dust
07. A Devil Made Me Do It
08. The Killing I
09. Orphans
10. Burn it All Down

Coming September 20th as Deluxe Box, LP, CD and Digital formats on Rodeostar Records. Orphans is available to pre-order at THIS LOCATION!

For More Info Visit:

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