TEXAS METAL FESTIVAL: Excites Online Media

Rock Fiesta, Inc., producers of the Texas Metal Festival, announced last week the launch of […]
May 14, 2014

Rock Fiesta, Inc., producers of the Texas Metal Festival, announced last week the launch of their Indiegogo campaign toraise start-up funding for a large outdoor 2-day metal festival slated for April 11 & 12, 2015 in South Texas.

The spontaneous combustion of thousands of metalheads cheering for the newest major metal festival has the online metalmedia scene jumping on the virtual iron bandwagon. Already joining the promotional onslaught as media sponsors are:

Reachdown Radio with Skrappy & The Grind Radio Show with Tommy D Kat from Houston and are both affiliates ofwww.13SRadio.com, 'In The Pit Radio' with Jeff Blackburn from Cleveland, 'Moose Metal Radio', from Oklahoma Cityaffiliated with www.rockrageradio.com, The David Ray Show with David Ray at davidrayrock.listen2myradio.com, andother metal ezines.

Thousands have clamored to the Facebook page, www.facebook.com/TexasMetalFestival2015 (over 1,000 likes in just thefirst 4 days with a 4.8 of 5 rating), and thousands more to www.texasmetalfestival.com. The two event partners, metalvocalist, Erick Shute and Festival Producer, Hal Davidson are ecstatic at the media launch. SNS everywhere arespreading the word

The activity is also exciting investors. So besides the crowd funding effort, the two fast-acting producers have acceleratedtheir efforts to cultivate negotiations with investors, offering generous expected returns. The event has a relatively lowbreakeven point under 5,000 ticks and fans have stated their opinions that over 30,000 would attend. Thus profitable firsttime event is inevitable.

The Indiegogo campaign is expected to continue. However, now the focus is on tying down major investors regardless ofhow many fans choose to receive the 33% off advance discount. This presale perk also means no sales tax and no ticketservice fee, which starts as soon as the main website commences by October, 2014. Right now, a $100 2-day weekendpass is available until the end of June, 2014. The same ticket becomes $150 plus sales tax and ticket service fees.

Erick Shute said, "The outpouring of online metal media and radio stations has been off the scale. We are blown away atthe support of the greater metal scene. Metal-heads everywhere really want this event to happen. Many other online metalportals are promoting the festival."

A Mexican metal radio station is making a bi-lingual Facebook site due to the huge response from Mexican metal-heads.The 500 acre festival site is located just 33 miles north of the border!The festival is all about quality live metal music, continuous for 12 hours x 2 days! 24 hrs. of the most diverse metallineup ever seen!". TMF is a European style inspired festival hosting some of the best bands from all over the metalspectrum, the greatest diversity ever combined in America. Ticket buyers will experience everything from Death Metal toBlack Metal, Nu Metal to Thrash Metal, to Math Core, and more.

Davidson and Shute, most concerned for a high quality music experience, will invest in state-of-the art sound, stagelighting, special effects and sound and LED relay towers. Though Europe stages 70 major metal festivals a year, only ahandful of major metal events are produced in the U.S. Of which none are held in an outdoor, open-land, site.Shute's supercharged social network is virally spreading the word like a bad disease, targeting metal-heads all over theplanet. "The metal scene is one big family, allegiant and supportive of the music and music festivals more than any othertype of music genre," Shute said.

Support TMF and get your crowd funding perk now, you will save and help!

Stay tuned for more developments to come!

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