TERROR: Announce More Summer Tour Dates.

LA hardcore juggernauts TERROR have announced some more tour dates for this summer. After their […]
March 28, 2019

LA hardcore juggernauts TERROR have announced some more tour dates for this summer. After their short run with legendary CONVERGE, the band will play a few more shows with death metal brutallics DYING FETUS.

06.07. F Nilvange - Le Gueulard Plus
07.07. D Mannheim - MS Connexion Complex
08.07. CH Zurich - Dynamo

"Black Cloud Over UK/EU 2019"
30.06. D Köln - Essigfabrik
01.07. UK London - The Electric Ballroom
02.07. UK Manchester - The Ritz
03.07. F Paris - La Machine du Moulin Rouge

More tour dates:
27.06. F Antibes - Amphitheatre Du Fort Carre
29.06. D Gräfenhainichen - Full Force

TERROR recently released their seventh studio album 'Total Retaliation' through Nuclear Blast Records:

You can order the album on various formats now from:https://nuclearblast.com/terror-totalretaliation


Nuclear Blast
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