TERRIBLE OLD MAN: "Cosmic Poems" release on 4th of September

The Franconian top class Hard Rock/Metal Five Piece Terrible Old Man have set the release […]
July 30, 2015

The Franconian top class Hard Rock/Metal Five Piece Terrible Old Man have set the release date for their upcoming debutalbum "Cosmic Poems" to the 4th of September! They also unveiled the final Cover for the album right now.

The Quintet, with musicians involved in The New Black, Hellride and Brain Damage, dedicate her work to the works of H.P. Lovecraft, what will be also be seen at their live shows. The music is influenced by Celtic Frost, Voivod, added some The Cult, some flavour of Danzig and Samhain to top it off. This is all packed in a suit of Rock n Roll.

The "Miskantonic" Demo was referred to "Demo of the Month" in the November issue of german Metal Hammer, so be prepared for the album!


Terrible Old Man @FaceBook

MDD Records
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