TEN: To Headline Wildfire Festival

British melodic hard rock giantsTENhas been confirmed as the headliner of this year'sWILDFIRE FESTIVAL, set […]
January 27, 2015

British melodic hard rock giantsTENhas been confirmed as the headliner of this year'sWILDFIRE FESTIVAL, set to take placeJune 26-28, 2015atWinston Lodge,Biggar,South Lanarkshire,Scotland.

The festival will feature performances from the following bands:Tygers Of Pan Tang,Coldspell,Holocaust,Estrella, to name only a few.

This is the firstScotlandlive appearance ofTENsince2002and their 'Far Beyond The World' UK tour.

TENrecently released their new album 'Albion' onNovember 21st, 2014viaRocktopia Records.

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