TEAR OUT THE HEART: Release Music Video and 'Dead, Everywhere' Pre-Order

TEAR OUT THE HEART have harnessed their aggression and channeled it to deliver an incredibly […]
December 9, 2014

TEAR OUT THE HEART have harnessed their aggression and channeled it to deliver an incredibly inspired sophomore effort titled Dead, Everywhere, which will be in-stores 1/27/15. Substream Magazine adds, "We promise, you haven't heard a scream quite like this. With a unique balance of clean vocals with the grit, Tear Out The Heart has mastered brilliant hooks and riffs that will be stuck in your head for days. This isn't your typical hardcore band but a band that's changing the game."

Visit Revolver for the premiere of the official music video for TEAR OUT THE HEART's "Feel Real" from their forthcoming album, Dead, Everywhere.

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Victory Records
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