TEAR OUT THE HEART: Release "I've Got Secrets" Music Video at VEVO

The new video for "I've Got Secrets", from St. Louis' metal outfit TEAR OUT THE […]
January 31, 2015

The new video for "I've Got Secrets", from St. Louis' metal outfit TEAR OUT THE HEART, is live now at VEVO.

Watch "I've Got Secrets"

""I've Got Secrets" is a song about self-realization", Tyler Konersman (vocals) emphasizes. "Being true to yourself no matter how hard things get. It's a big middle finger to anyone who thinks they have the right to judge you."

The brand new full length "Dead, Everywhere" is in-stores and available digitally.

Don't miss the Dead, Everywhere tour as it continues to roll through the US, with more dates to be announced soon.

Dead, Everywhere Tour 2015
1/26 Lansing, MI @ The Loft
1/27 Columbus, OH @ Double Happiness
1/28 Lakewood, OH @ The Foundry
1/29 Chicago, IL @ Reggie's
1/30 La Crosse, WI @ The Warehouse
1/31 St Louis, MO @ The Ready Room

Additional information on TEAR OUT THE HEART:
Tear Out The Heart on Facebook
"Feel Real" Music Video

Victory Records
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