TASTEFUL TURMOIL: Release New Single.

Tasteful Turmoil released a single from their upcoming second album Finnish west coast thrashy groove […]
March 21, 2019

Tasteful Turmoil released a single from their upcoming second album

Finnish west coast thrashy groove metallers Tasteful Turmoil has released a single from their upcomin album "The Phantom Fear" that shall be released on April 12th 2019.

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Since 2015 the band has been on the path of heavy metal destruction and hasn't shown any signs of slowing down. The music gets fueled by the many influences from many different genres in the heavy metal realm. The first album "PROTECT THE WASTED" (2016) showed the world that Turmoil is alive and kicking and the second album "THE PHANTOM FEAR" will cement the band as more mature and heavy hitting band that won't leave anybody cold. Get ready for ear-piercing shrieks, chainsaw-like riffing and backbreaking rumble action!


Inverse Music Group
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