TANKARD ' first "R.I.B" album trailer online / Metalfest signing session

TANKARD, the German Kings Of Beer, just released the first trailer for the bands upcoming […]
April 16, 2014

TANKARD, the German Kings Of Beer, just released the first trailer for the bands upcoming album "R.I.B." which is going to be released June 20, 2014.

The trailer is mainly about the pre-listening session which was held at the famous Studio 23 in Frankfurt/Germany in late March and also features various statements from national media.

Check out the trailer at http:

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TANKARD will play the first show after album release at METALFEST Lorely (June 19. ' 21.) and do an exclusive signing session.
There you are able to grab a free and limited TANKARD poster (while stock lasts), so be there!

The "R.I.B." track listing:

01. War Cry
02. Fooled By Your Guts
03. R.I.B. (Rest In Beer)
04. Riders Of The Doom
05. Hope Can't Die
06. No One Hit Wonder
07. Breakfast for Champions
08. Enemy Of Order
09. Clockwise To Deadline
10. The Party Ain't Over 'Til We Say So

Taking inspiration from the motto "never change a winning team", the guys did the recording again withproducer Michael Mainx (BÖHSE ONKELZ, DER W, D-A-D, DISBELIEF), who also produced the last two albums.

Nuclear Blast
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