SYMMETRYA: Rafael Bittencourt, ANGRA recorded participation in the new album

The guitarist of the band Angra Rafael Bittencourt, will make a special guest in the […]
February 26, 2014

The guitarist of the band Angra Rafael Bittencourt, will make a special guest in the song Something In The Mist, whose letter was based on the work of Stephen King, which is present in the Symmetrya new album, titled Last Dawn.

".. We feel very honored to have this great guitarist and composer Rafael Bittencourt participating in our new album He and Angra are a reference and inspiration in Brazil and in the world for many musicians and bands" Milton Maia - Keyboardist ".


01 Sensory
02 Something in the Mist
03 In the Blink of an Eye
04 Darkest Love
05 To Live Again
06 Caught in my Dreams
07 711
08 Stormy Winds
The Witch of Portobello
09 Life Past Trauma
10 Nature of the Witch
11 Athena's Legacy

Milton Rodrigo da Maia
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