SVARTDEN: The first incorporation to the Darkness Within roster

We have the privilege of announcing the first incorporation to the Darkness Within, roster, one […]
February 5, 2015

We have the privilege of announcing the first incorporation to the Darkness Within, roster, one of those rare hidden and primitive gems whose rough black shine of hate and harshness resounds so powerful and so authentic that it's really hard to resist its influence...

Because SVARTDEN is one of those projects that you can't easily find nowadays... their music send us back to the early days of Black Metal, mixing classic influences from bands such as Immortal, Zyklon-B, Satyricon or Gorgorothbut, the most important thing, playing it with such an authenticity that they seem to be abducted from the fucking Norway in the beginning of the nineties...

Nevertheless SVARTDEN is a project started in 2012 by old well-known members of the underground scene from Málaga (Spain), also members of celebrated hordes such as Wulfheim or Werther, with the major aim of returning to the original Norwegian Black Metal sound of the nineties or, much better, to that primary spirit with which it's so difficult to impregnate today a Black Metal album...

01. Intro
02. Ambassadors
03. The Bloodpack
04. Reapers
05. Zwartplaag
06. Outro

SVARTDEN not just get it, the 6-tracks that conform Black, the debut EP that we are introducing you today, go much deeper because the band managed to add a very special touch, so it would be really unfair just to keep the reference to those old Black Metal glories... SVARTDEN is what all of them are no longer, attitude, passion and spirit, a band absolutely far from all kind of actual trends or fashions, just pure and true Black Metal...

And to make your mouth water, finally here you have a little trailer with different fragments taken from the six tracks of Black, the debut EP of SVARTDEN...

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Since it could not be any other way, a really so special album deserves an equally special presentation, so Black will be released in one and only print-run limited to only 66 hand-numbered copies in our already classic deluxe format, the exclusive A5 sized digifile that you all already know, and for this time the CD will come also on black shining polycarbonate...

Keep posted, this release promises to be a collector's item for all true self-respecting Black Metal fan, just for the true Black Metal elite!!

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