SURGICAL STRIKE: To Release New Album in 2020.

On January 31st 2020 the Thrash Metal band SURGICAL STRIKE from Hannover, Germany will release […]
October 23, 2019

On January 31st 2020 the Thrash Metal band SURGICAL STRIKE from Hannover, Germany will release their first studio album "Part Of A Sick World" at Metalville Records.

"Surgical" Strike has only one mission, playing uncompromising, technical and 100% pure fucking thrash metal right into your faces. In a world shaped by corruption, manipulation and denial, the upcoming album is going to be droped. Surgical Strike, Lock & load and precise is ready to take no prisinors, so get your asses save and be afraid of this firepower.



Jens Albert (vocals),
Marcelo Vasquez Rocha (guitar),
Frank Ruhnke (guitar),
Florian Seybecke (bass),
Moritz Menke (drums)


V∙II∙XII (Five To Twelve) "(CD, EP) 2016

FD Entertainment
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