STUD: Introduce New Bass Player.

We are announcing a change in STUD's lineup. We're happy to introduce Jari Behm as […]
May 25, 2018

We are announcing a change in STUD's lineup. We're happy to introduce Jari Behm as a new bass player of STUD. Jari's prior duties as a bass player include bands such as Stratovarius and Tunnel Vision. Jari's first gig with STUD is already behind, since the band performed with a full set of 15 songs in Bar Loose, Helsinki.

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Here's what's been said about STUD's latest album 'Circle of Lies' (2017):

'Circle of Lies' includes music at an incredibly high-caliber level, which fans of classic Hard n' Heavy sounds can enjoy all the more. Great 9/10
FFM-ROCK, Michael Tosche

This is very strong release from the veteran Finnish band. I love my Melodic Hard Rock with a bit of an edge, in the style of Pretty Maids and Treat, and STUD most certainly play music in that same style.
Fireworks Magazine, Robin McGhie

This secretly polished shining diamond should be exposed to as many ears as possible. 4,5/5
Inferno, Kari Koskinen

Stud The Band
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