STREAMS OF BLOOD: "Kraft(Werk)" Compilation.
German Black Metallers STREAMS OF BLOOD will release their "Kraft(Werk)"-compilation soon. It contains 13 songs […]
April 4, 2019
German Black Metallers STREAMS OF BLOOD will release their "Kraft(Werk)"-compilation soon. It contains 13 songs which are all newly recorded by the current line-up. "Kraft(Werk)" will be released as Vinyl version via Deaf Sparrow (USA).In May it will be available as well as digital version.
1. Death Notice (new song)
2. Deepest abyss of my soul
3. Temple of blood
4. Fullmoon era
5. Atomic exhumation
6. The sense
7. Bringer of light
8. Regeneration
9. Beast reflect
10. Speak with the serpents
11. Von der Realität in das ewige Licht
12. Final Journey
13. An eternal kingdom of fire (Judas Iscariot Cover
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