SPIRITUAL BEGGARS: "Earth Blues" full album stream; Rockpalast recording; On tour NOW

Sweden's Classic-Rock heavyweights SPIRITUAL BEGGARS have released their 8th studio album, "Earth Blues", as of […]
By Zarto
April 22, 2013

Sweden's Classic-Rock heavyweights SPIRITUAL BEGGARS have released their 8th studio album, "Earth Blues", as of this week via InsideOutMusic.

A full album stream is now available via the website of 3voor12 for you to check out this great new release:

Yesterday's April 16th show by SPIRITUAL BEGGARS in Cologne's Underground was filmed by WDR's Rockpalast and will be broadcasted on TV Monday, May 13th from 0:15 – 2:00 AM.
More details can be found here:

A live teaser of the song "One Man Army" from last night's recording can be seen here:

And here are two special acoustic tracks recorded with SPIRITUAL BEGGARS' Per Wiberg and Apollo Papathanasio as special bonus for the Rockpalast program:
"Wonderful World": https://www.wdr.de/tv/rockpalast/extra/konzerte/2013/0416/index.jsp?mid=809770

"Freedom Song": https://www.wdr.de/tv/rockpalast/extra/konzerte/2013/0416/index.jsp?mid=809771

An interview with SPIRITUAL BEGGARS' Michael Amott can be found here:
[url="https://www.wdr.de/tv/rockpalast/extra/konzerte/2013/0416/index.jsp?mid=809776" target="_blank"]https://www.wdr.de/tv/rockpalast/extra/konzerte/2013/0416/index.jsp?mid=809776.


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