SOLEFALD: New album released

The new SOLEFALD album has been released today! The album is available on all digital […]
February 16, 2015

The new SOLEFALD album has been released today! The album is available on all digital services, digipak CD and double LP, get it now. Here's what the press writes about this diverse, mind blowing, surrealistic, adventurous, fantastic and challenging album that is "World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud":

6/6 - Klassekampen "Et monster av en plate ' men med et dypt menneskelig ansikt."

10/10 - "A cauldron of musical experience and a kaleidoscope of colors combined with sublime taste, incredible genius, supreme class. This is a masterpiece!"

9,5/10 - Soundscape Magazine "an excellent listen, and an album you'll keep wanting to come back to ' this is a memorable release for all the right reasons."

95/100 - Metal Gallows "It actually doesn't matter how I describe the album, as nothing can prepare you for the album"

9/10 - The Pit "Die perfekte Scheibe für Leute ohne Scheuklappen"

9/10 - "Wir haben zwar erst Januar, aber einen Anspruch auf den Album-des-Jahres-Thron im Jahre 2015 hat "World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud" jedenfalls schon mal eindrucksvoll angemeldet!"

9/10 - Ave Noctum "this is going to be my addictive musical crack!"

Indie Recordings UK
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